All of you have asked at one time or another, what made us decided to get into this business ?
One beautiful day John came over to Glen Rose and played golf at the Squaw Valley Golf Course and fell in love with it and the community. He came home that night in Grandview, Texas and told me about his day and driving around after his golf game. He said, "That not only was the golf course beautiful and was very challenging, the town was what he had been looking for all his life." It was small, had water running in three rivers that circled the town, nice hospital, beautiful trees, and located in a very central location to all of our family and friends. I could not believe that he wanted to move from his family farm that he had worked on for many years. If any of you have ever tried to make a living on a farm/ranch, then you know what a job it really is and how much nature controls your operation. I realized that he was tired of this profession. I, on the other hand had sold insurance and was a real estate broker for my family, and was burned out too.
In 1995 we purchased a candle factory called "Elizabeth's Candles" and had it set up on the farm. We decided that we would just kind of look around Glen Rose and see if we could find something that we would feel comfortable in and would work for our needs. We needed enough space so we could move the candle factory.
We drove up to this house (where we live now) and took one look at it and decided that no matter what we did to it, it would need to much work and we drove out of the driveway and found another county road to explore. We searched for over a year and still drove in this driveway and turned around. Then one day we were looking at the property next door and John walked down to the river and surfaced up into the back yard of our house. He called to me next door and said "You have got to see the back yard of this place." When I saw the yard and the back porch, we decided to investigate into looking at the house.
To make a long story short, we have been working on this house for several "long" years to restore and remodel it to its current state. As far as the "Paluxy River Bed Cabins", well, that's another story too. We moved the candle factory over here and housed it in the metal building that sits at the front of the property. As I made candles, John remodeled the house and we came to the conclusion that we wanted to utilize the rest of the property. It was so beautiful and we wanted to share this with others.
We took chainsaws and started to cut paths thru the trees and started looking for sites to build a couple of cabins. We thought that maybe we could rent them out and make some additional income. John went to work on the cabins and I was still making the candles during the day and we were working on the house at night. (It makes me tired, just telling you about this !)
As time went on John finished the first two cabins and we had no problem renting them out, because he did such a wonderful job building them. We decided that we could no longer do candles and cabins, so we jumped out there and started two more cabins. As time went on we found a buyer for the candle factory and finished the other two cabins. We have been so blessed to have each other, and John's talent. We have tried to provide our guest, friends and family with a place to rest and relax at for many years.
We hope that this gives you a little information on your host and hostess and hope that you will give our place a try.
Paluxy River Bed Cabins 1319 FM 205 Glen Rose, Tx 76043 254-897-9425